Ignore despicable online adult porn blackmail threats, says Martin Hovden

dj martin radio

In the past week I’ve received numerous emails from someone claiming to have taken over my computer. He/she boasts about filming me watching adult porn, writes Martin Hovden. 

To avoid having copies of the video sent to my family/friends all I have to do is send 300 US dollars and I’ll never hear from them again.

I’ve ignored the threats up to now, although I notice the latest email has increased the blackmail demand to 400 US dollars.

At the age of 70 with no close family to upset, the threats do not bother me in the slightest. I'm not ashamed to say I watch adult porn - but not on my computer which is in the coldest room in the house. I just wish the internet was around 50 years ago when I was coming to terms with my sexuality.

And then I thought of those much younger and perhaps more gullible than me. 

What sort of pathetic creature would do such a thing to vulnerable people, subjecting them to totally unnecessary pressure and causing great anxiety and fear?

I’m not a violent person, but I’m happy to make an exception.

So whatever your age, you are not alone if you receive these threats. Ignore them and get on and enjoy your life.