Improving The Matchday Experience at Southport FC with more catering

As part of our wish to continue to improve the matchday experience at Haig Avenue and, in particular, to reduce the queuing time that some fans have encountered at the outdoor bars and food stalls at recent games, we are pleased to announce a couple of changes with effect from tonight’s match against Curzon Ashton.

At the Blowick End of the ground, the Lourdes Deli catering stall is now situated at the corner of the ground between the Blowick Terrace and the Popular Terrace, enabling both home and away fans to be catered for from this new location.

At the Scarisbrick End of the ground, the experiment at our last home game of having a second bar outlet serving bottles and soft drinks will continue, thus providing our home fans with two drinks’ outlets.

As always, we welcome feedback from our fans to these two changes, which are designed to enhance their matchday experience.