Incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage decreases across Merseyside

police lights

can confirm that fewer 999 calls and incidents of ASB and criminal damage were reported on Bonfire Night than last year.
A total of 141 incidents of ASB and criminal damage were reported across the whole of Merseyside, a reduction of 48% from last year. We also saw a slight overall decrease in calls to police, although emergency calls via 999 did increase by 32%. A total of 18 arrests were made as part of the police operation, for offences including public order.
Chief Inspector Duncan Swan, police commander for the weekend, said: “While it is pleasing to see ASB and criminal damage decline across Merseyside for the second year running, there were still a number of incidents which resulted in a police response, working alongside other emergency services.  
“Notably, this included fireworks being shot towards cars near to Princes Park, with damage caused to police cars and an officer injured. Such reckless behaviour endangers road users and others in the community and will not be tolerated. Eight youths were detained and three remain under investigation.
“Although not directly connected to any Bonfire Night celebrations, the injury shootings of two men in Netherton took place close to a community bonfire and will have been shocking to witness. Detectives are investigating this incident and remain in the area today.
“Across Merseyside, it’s clear that the vast majority of people enjoyed private and public bonfires and firework displays, but the actions of a small minority can have a huge impact on those in our communities, so if anyone witnessed or was targeted on Saturday and has yet to come forward, please do so and we will take the appropriate action.”
You can contact us with any information via @MerPolCC or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.