Is ‘Living Well Sefton’ really making a difference? Sefton Council wants your opinion – take the survey


There’s just over a week left for people to provide feedback on ‘Living Well Sefton’, the Borough’s integrated wellness.

Living Well Sefton help people who live in Sefton to make positive lifestyle changes and offer practical support on a range of topics. These include:

Stopping smoking
Sensible drinking
Being more active
Being a healthy weight
Reducing stress
Feeling good about yourself and about your life
Increasing physical activity
These are all services that contribute to  Sefton Council’s priorities.

Now, the Living Well Sefton’ teams want people’s feedback on what works well and what could be improved.

They are asking people who have used their services to provide feedback using an online survey.

You can use this link to find out more and take the survey .

Any information provided will be confidential, treated anonymously and not attributed to any individual.

You can use this link to find out more about Living Well Sefton