It's Make or Break for Southport's Beach

What is to become of Southport beach?
Conservative Leader on Sefton Council, Mike Prendergast, is calling on Sefton Council to take action to reinstate and preserve the beach area between the Pier and Weld Road roundabout.
The issue was debated at the recent Sefton Council meeting when opposition councillors called for a review of the current policy.
Councillor Prendergast said, “Right now our beach is a complete mess, we are a seaside town built on bucket and spade tourism. Yet, to go on a lot of our beach now you would need wellies and a pair of waders.“
“Southport’s once golden sands have now been replaced with mud and huge swathes of beach grass and for a town that markets itself as a seaside resort, that is a disaster.”
“The current policy of, effectively, letting nature take its course over the entire beach doesn’t work for Southport. The argument that it is all a natural process and we shouldn’t stop it is not good enough.”
“I don’t care if it is a natural process, many people’s livelihoods in our town depend on having a beach, jobs are at stake and I think it’s more important to have some sandy leisure beach, at least between the Pier and Weld Road roundabout, than growing some more beach grass.”
“We need to act on this now before it becomes almost impossible to reverse. Southport is a wonderful town blessed with Victorian heritage and a unique coastline. We need to utilise these assets better than we are though if we are going to secure our town’s future.”