Joint Operations Between Lifeboat Crew and HM Coastguard Avert Tragedy at Ainsdale Beach


CALL OUT - 18/05/2024 - 20:17 - Our lifeboat was requested to undertake an immediate launch following reports of up to eight people in difficulty in the water off Ainsdale Beach.

The lifeboat launched at Southport, while the quad bikes headed to Ainsdale via the Coastal Road.
As the lifeboat launched, information was received that the casualties had made their way out of the water; however, the lifeboat was asked to proceed to Ainsdale due to initial uncertainty over the number of people in difficulty.

The quads arrived at Ainsdale and, alongside HM Coastguard Southport, ensured that all persons were accounted for and safely out of the water. This was further confirmed by the lifeboat, which undertook a sweep of the shoreline. The group were taken care of by the crew on scene and handed over to the ambulance service for a check-over.
Our thanks to all involved.