Latest reviews of Pontins in Southport on Tripadvisor.

Pontins Southport entrance

Pontins in Southport continues to get terrible reviews on Tripadvisor. Just a few of the latest.

A Manchester client.

I'll keep this short, disgusting, vile and possibly the worst place you could ever take your family. We barely lasted one night of the three. Horrendous customer servics no one asked why we checked out after one night.

If you want to smell weed, watch adults falling all over the place with their cans of fosters in hand, and feel filthy then I guess this is your place.

No joke, came across soiled underwear around the park, while trying to navigate the rest of the rubbish spewed around the rest of the place - trying to not get my head kicked in by the drug and drink fueled 10 year old children. Watching security drive by in their golf cart laughing.

Contacted customer support point blank refused to even acknowledge the problems and highlighted in the terms and conditions that you need to get a complaint reference number from a manager while on site otherwise don't bother - I think this says it all, i didnt even know things like that exsisted - get out clause for anyone that just wants to get far away from that place.

Place needs to be demolished.

DO NOT GO HERE, cannot stress this enough.

A Cambridge client.

We only go here for dance weekenders where the whole place is booked out, so thankfully don't have to deal with the antisocial behaviour issues others have reported.

But I really wonder why anyone would go here for actual holidays. They refuse to clean properly, nothing is maintained (see the oven we had in the pictures!), seems like the owners are just milking it for all they can before it collapses back into the sand. The whole place is covered in litter and fag ends, paint peeling and rotten wood everywhere you look, wobbly steps on the decaying unsafe concrete staircases. No decent showers, just rubbish push-button ones, loos that don't flush properly, stains on mattresses with protruding springs, the list is endless. All the surrounding buildings outside the site are derelict, which really adds to the desolate atmosphere (not that that is Pontins' problem, but still).

Management and owners are just laughing at you for actually paying to go here, don't give them the satisfaction.

Samantha wrote...

OMG!! Never ever again! Wish we had read the reviews before we came here! The place literally needs to be knocked down and rebuilt!! I’m sorry but it’s trash!! We were booked in for 4 nights, thankfully couldn’t make the first night and ended up leaving before departure date as it was that bad there!! There’s no form of cleanliness to this resort whatsoever. I’m astounded that this place is allowed to be open! It’s tired and dated and hardly anything works in the arcade! The public toilets where the arcade and entertainment is situated is disgusting!! You can’t catch your breath upon entry! Unhygienic is not the word. The swimming pool and facilities are just gross!!!! I’m surprised none of us are sick from this place! It’s filth!
The only good thing is that the staff are friendly..