Latest statistics from Sefton show that demand is increasing for emergency help

one stop shop

Latest statistics from Sefton show that demand is increasing for emergency help, and problems with benefits and council payments are growing.

6,569 calls on the Council's own Emergency Limited Assistance scheme have been processed in the last 6 months in addition to the administration of nationally funded schemes. ELAS funds are generated directly from council tax.

However, the public’s ability to access these schemes and seek advice differs across the borough. 

The One Stop shop in the south of the borough by the Bootle Strand allows people to drop in in an emergency, but the Southport one Stop shop hidden inside the Atkinson Library will not see people without prior booked appointments.

“ I am really puzzled by this two speed approach to one stop help,” says Lib Dem opposition leader, Cllr John Pugh. “The Bootle office saw 729 drop-in customers last month (a third of the total clientele) which illustrates that the demand is there. I know from dealing with constituents during my time as an MP that people in a crisis that blows up suddenly and throws your life into chaos often need advice and help there and then. Booking an appointment sometime in the future is not what they need.

Whereas I accept that some needs generally speaking are greater in the more deprived parts of the borough, such crises occur in Southport too -more frequently than people think. The reason given for not allowing people to drop in to the Southport One Stop is apparently shortage of space. I would though question whether the existing facility in the middle of a library offers the appropriate degree of privacy.  

The Bootle One Stop shop saw 2188 people last month compared to only 673 at Southport but the bulk of those Southport enquiries were about council tax and benefits. The Southport shop has been moved recently from the Cambridge Arcade building that stands abandonned. 

"Having a very open facility that no-one can drop into seems just plain odd, “ says Cllr.Pugh, “ but more importantly a family in Southport that has unexpectedly run out of money altogether at the weekend needs to have someone to speak to immediately- a go to point for help”.