Lourdes Deli to stop catering at Southport FC matchdays


Steph from the Deli said on Facebook...

Unfortunately I’m coming with some sad news, that I don’t want to do but Friday night will be Lourdes Deli’s last night as Southport Football Club / Everton under 23’s match day caterers.

I cannot thank every single fan at the club for your constant support , the laughs we have had, the banter we had the love we have felt! You are incredible  we have gone viral , made headlines , but most importantly had a ball  

I’m privileged to now be friends with a lot of you along side the volunteers, you have helped me through some chaotic times   

Thanks to the directors & staff for having me & trusting me we have had a great time, thanks for letting me have the warm space & thanks to the players for help too

 I don’t need to thank my girls they know what they mean to me they got me I got them  
I can only say the next caterers who come in are lucky to have you lot  

Anyways not much to say just gonna cry into my Prosecco & hopefully see you Friday love you all

P.s at least I can now come & watch the match with my family #oneport