Make a Splash at Martin Mere’s near Southport Puddle Jumping Championships this February Half Term

This February half term (12 – 20 February) families can grab their wellies, get outside and jump into nature at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre’s puddle jumping championships..

Families should get in early to maximise the fun. Children (and the adults in the party) can perfect their splashing techniques before the main event at 2pm. Then see who can make the biggest and best splash at daily competitions. Winners will be announced throughout the half term and lucky ‘super-splashers’ will receive fantastic prizes!

As well as splashing about in puddles there’s lots of other fun activities to join in with for that extra challenge. Each day you will also be able to make a fun mini-raft, will yours float?We will also be undertaking pavement chalk drawing activities and decorating seed pots in the craft room to take home and grow wildflowers.

Nick Brooks, Centre Manager from Martin Mere Wetland Centre said:

“We know children love jumping in puddles and there’s nothing better on a wet day than putting on your wellies and getting muddy. Our puddle jumping championships are the perfect opportunity for guaranteed family fun whatever the weather.

As well as being great fun to jump in, puddles are also mini-wetlands that small wildlife use to feed, drink and bathe. Almost half of the world’s plants and animals depend on wetlands, they really are amazing so come and see for yourself and have lots of fun outdoors.

We know that children who enjoy getting closer to nature often grow up to be adults that love the outdoors. So through these championships we’re gently nurturing a love that may help protect wetlands and the wildlife that depend on them for years to come”.

To find out more visit or follow #puddlejumping.There is no additional charge to take part in the puddle jumping championships and the competition takes place at 2pm each day.