Man arrested after missiles thrown on pitch at Everton

A 19 year-old man from the Walton area has been arrested on suspicion of assault and throwing an item onto the pitch following an incident during the Everton v Aston Villa game at Goodison Park today, Saturday 22nd January.

The man was arrested after a bottle appeared to be thrown from the home supporters end of the stadium which hit a player on the pitch.

 The man is currently in custody where he will be questioned by officers.

 Enquiries continue to be carried out into other items being thrown on the pitch.

Match commander Chief Superintendent Paul White said: “Behaviour such as this is not acceptable and clearly very dangerous and we will take all necessary action to find the person or people responsible and apprehend them. I would encourage anyone who has information about this incident to come forward and speak to us.”

An Everton spokesperson said: "Club officials and stewards have worked alongside Merseyside Police to identify the suspect.

"Such behaviour will not be tolerated at Goodison Park. The Club will not hesitate to issue a stadium ban to any fan proven to have thrown an object onto the field of play.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information which could help the investigation is asked to DM @MerPolCC or @CrimestoppersUK on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 22000051464.