Man Arrested Amidst Peaceful Protest in Liverpool


 Police can confirm a man was arrested on suspicion of obstructing police during a protest in Liverpool city centre on Saturday (22 June).
At around 11.45am, officers were at Abercromby Square where a peaceful protest was taking place, having liaised with organisers ahead of the protest to help minimise disruption to the roads and ensure the safety of the public and the protestors.
A man initially believed to have used spray paint on a university building was arrested after failing to provide his details. He was then de-arrested after providing his details, and it was established he had marked the building with chalk. A second man was detained after he was seen being obstructive and verbally abusive to officers.
The man was arrested on suspicion of obstructing/resisting a constable in the execution of their duty and taken into custody to be questioned.
Chief Superintendent Jonathan Davies said: “We respect the right to protest and expression of views, and our officers were in the area to ensure the safety of protestors and other members of the public, but aggressive and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with robustly.
“The vast majority of those in attendance behaved impeccably but one man acted abusively and obstructively and as a result was detained at the scene.
“We continue to monitor the situation at Abercromby Square and where offences are suspected to have been committed, we will not hesitate to take action.”
If you have any information on this incident or saw what happened, please contact our social media desk on Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre'.
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