Members Allowances Review for Inactive Councillors: Unanimous Support in Council Meeting

mike prendergast

Following tonight’s council meeting, Councillor Mike Prendergast’s motion to request a review of Member’s Allowances for those councillors and political groups who refuse to take up committee places has passed unanimously.

Councillor Prendergast said, “The public quite rightly have an expectation that their elected representatives will fully participate in local government. 

The motion on the agenda was never about going back to an Attendance Allowance based system as some other councillors have recently claimed. It is about encouraging participation and looking to put in place a consequence for those who don’t.

Reducing allowances for non-participating councillors will serve as a strong incentive for them to actively engage in the committee work that is fundamental to the proper functioning of our local government. It will encourage accountability and promote a culture of dedication to public service.

Right now we can’t do this and the motion simply aims to begin a process whereby this council, and others across the country, can have the powers to address this issue.

So I am delighted that our motion for a review on this aspect of Member’s Allowances to be requested was passed tonight and I look forward to hearing the outcome of our request.

I was particularly pleased that despite issuing a press release only yesterday to say they opposed the motion, that Councillor Simon Shaw and his Lib Dem colleagues all supported the motion.“