Merseyside household waste strikes off after Unite secures pay deal worth over 18%


Strike action planned by nearly 200 Veolia workers at 22 Merseyside household waste sites will not go ahead after the workers accepted an improved pay offer. 

The two year pay deal, secured by Unite, the UK’s leading union, will see workers receive a 10 per cent pay rise backdated for the financial year 2022/23 and an 8.4 per cent increase for 2023/24.

The lowest paid workers will also receive a one-off payment of £375. 

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Veolia Merseyside workers stood together in their union and secured a substantial pay rise.

“Unite is totally focused on defending and improving our members jobs, pay and conditions. As this pay deal, and the hundreds of others negotiated by the union across the country, shows, it is an approach that delivers results.”

Unite regional officer John McColl said: “The pay deal secured at Veolia, is another example of why Merseyside workers should join Unite if they want better wages and working conditions.”