Merseyside Police backs review of police Code of Ethics

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Merseyside Police has welcomed a review of the police Code of Ethics, as residents are given an opportunity to be part of the consultation to shape the future of policing.

The College of Policing has carried out a review into its Code of Ethics, which provides a framework to guide the actions taken and decisions made by everyone working for the police service. They are now asking people inside and outside of policing to share their views on the proposed new version.

Chief Constable Andy Marsh, Chief Executive for the College of Policing, visited Merseyside Police on Thursday (23 March), as part of the consultation process.  

During his visit, he spent time talking to Chief Constable Serena Kennedy about the work being done within Merseyside Police. Chief Constable Marsh also spent time with frontline officers about what the Code of Ethics means to them and the importance of challenging and reporting unprofessional behaviour.

College of Policing Chief Constable Andy Marsh said: “It was a pleasure to launch the consultation for the College of Policing’s Code of Ethics at Merseyside Police. I saw first-hand how hard the officers and staff in Merseyside are working to rebuild the public’s trust in policing.

“The Code of Ethics was first published in 2014 and has been updated to reflect the modern-day challenges we face. It commits us to prioritising public service by always acting in the public interest, leading with courage by challenging wrongdoing when we see it and responding with respect and empathy at every call we attend.

“It’s really important we hear views from both within and outside policing as part of this consultation and I encourage everyone to take five minutes to tell us what they think.”

Merseyside Police recently launched an internal standards and values campaign, Call it Out – to collectively call out any behaviour that falls below its standards and values. “Challenge it, report it, stop it” is campaign’s strong message and provides a clear process for officers and staff to follow to tackle and prevent poor behaviour.

The force’s Leadership and Me Framework and JUST principles (Just Listen, Just Lead, Just Think, Just Talk) are embedded within the force, from the way it recruits, develops, promotes, and recognises good performance across the organisation. This leadership framework aims to enhance and deliver its Community First approach.

Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said: “It’s great to welcome Chief Constable Marsh to Merseyside Police to show him the positive work already underway with officers and staff. We welcome the proposed updates to the Code of Ethics, to reflect the modern-day challenges we face. It’s vital everyone in policing uses the Code of Ethics to guide us in all we do.

“This consultation coincides with a range of work already underway at Merseyside Police, including our Leadership and Me framework, our ‘Just’ principles and internal standards and values campaign, Call it Out.

“We want our communities to have confidence in our force, to trust us, and to know we are working hard to deliver the best possible service to them.

“We always expect the highest professional standards of conduct and behaviour from officers and staff and have a dedicated programme of work to ensure that everyone, inside and outside the organisation, feels represented, supported, and treated with courtesy and respect.

“It’s so important to hear views from the communities we serve – I would encourage everyone to look a look at the proposed changes to the Code of Ethics and get in touch with their views.”

How to take part
Have your say in shaping a modern-day police service you are proud of by taking part in the Code of Ethics consultation and ensuring it has a practical application to everyday policing.

The Code of Ethics is being consulted on until Friday 28 April 2023 and can be found here - Consultation: Code of Ethics | College of Policing