Merseyside Police statement after Thoms Cashman found guilty of Olivia murder


We can confirm that Thomas Cashman has today, Thursday 30th March, been found guilty of the murder of Olivia Pratt-Korbel.

Following an 18-day trial at Manchester Crown Court, Cashman, 34, of Grenadier Drive, West Derby, was also found guilty of attempted murder, the wounding of Olivia's mum Cheryl and two firearms offences.

The charges follow the fatal shooting of nine-year-old Olivia at her home in Kingsheath Avenue in Dovecot on the evening of 22nd August last year.

Sentencing has been adjourned until Monday, 3rd April.

Senior investigating officer Detective Superintendent Mark Baker said: "The result today will never bring Olivia back and I know that this will live with her family for the rest of their lives.

"I would like to thank the families of Olivia’s mum, Cheryl Korbel and dad, John Pratt for the dignity that they have demonstrated throughout the trial.

"Reliving the fatal events of that night last August will have surely been unbearable for all of them, particularly for Cheryl, who herself was injured during the shooting, and Olivia’s brother and sister, Ryan and Chloe, who were in the house at the time and witnessed the traumatic aftermath of Cashman’s vile actions.

"The key witness in this case has demonstrated incredible bravery. She has stood up for what is right… justice. Her evidence was powerful and emotional and most importantly she spoke the truth. She should be proud of herself knowing that her testimony has helped to bring the killer of a nine-year-old child to justice and I hope her courage encourages people to do the right thing in future investigations.

"I sincerely hope that today’s verdict will deter others from using guns on our streets. Olivia’s death should not be in vain. In 2007 the murder of Rhys Jones should have been that defining moment for those who were prepared to use guns on our streets. These people are toxic in our community, and we need to stand firmly together to root them out and put them behind bars. We don’t want other families to suffer in the way that Olivia and Rhys’ families have.

"In his police interviews Cashman showed no remorse for his actions. He has deprived a nine-year-old girl of her future, and her family of the pride they would have had in watching her grow up.

"When he found out that he had shot an innocent young girl, he should have had the courage to stand up and come forward. Instead, he chose to lay low, despite being a dad himself.

"He is not worthy of walking the streets of Merseyside, and neither are those who think they can bring fear, or intimidation, to our communities through the use of firearms.

"The investigation has been a relentless pursuit of the truth. I want to take this opportunity to thank the investigation team who have worked relentlessly to find the person responsible and find justice for Olivia and her family. I would also like to thank Senior Crown Prosecutor Maria Corr for her unwavering support since the beginning of the investigation together with prosecuting counsel David McLachlan KC and Henry Riding.

"I also want to provide reassurance that Merseyside Police and our partners will continue to target those involved in drug and gun crime and we will continue to work with our partners to help strengthen our local communities to live without the fear of violence and intimidation on their streets.

"This work will run alongside the Clear, Hold, Build work we are undertaking with our partners in the area to prevent crime and build a stronger community, which doesn’t have to live in fear. If anyone has information of those involved in drug crime, or serious organised crime, I encourage them to come forward either directly to Merseyside Police or anonymously to Crimestoppers. We will act on all information.”