Mini Police in Southport out again to try to get drivers to reduce their speed

mini pol

The Mini Police from Norwood Primary School were out again on Roe Lane recently in an attempt to get drivers to reduce their speed. The Mini Police Officers were shown how to use the speed gun by Officers from the Southport Local Policing Team and used it to confirm the speeds of on oncoming traffic.

Most drivers saw the officers in their high vis yellow and adjusted their speed accordingly however, one driver was stopped and advised of their speed by the Mini Police and asked why they were driving at an excessive speed?

On this occasion, having apologised, the driver was let off with a warning from the Mini Police.

Since then, the Mini Police have been working with the Economic Crime Team, understanding the increase in frauds in the lead up to Christmas in particular, and next up for the Mini Police is a trip to the Police Museum in Warrington.