Missing boy now found safe and well

In a short statement Merseyside Police said

Abdullah Akram has now been found. Thanks to everyone who shared our post.

Original item

Please share and help find missing 11-year-old Abdullah Akram.

Abdullah was last seen on Belvidere Road, Toxteth this morning (Tuesday 28 December) at 10.10am and extensive enquiries are ongoing to find him.

He is of Middle Eastern ethnicity, 4ft10in tall and slim build.

Abdullah was last seen wearing a black Nike tracksuit, black Adidas shoes and carrying a small satchel.

He is known to frequent the Toxteth area.

Please pass on any sightings of Abdullah via our form: https://www.merseyside.police.uk/ro/report/mp/v2/report-sighting-of-missing-person-form/ or any other information to @MerPolCC or 101.