Missing: Devondre Medford. He has links to the Southport area.

15-year-old Devondre was last seen in the Parkgate Road area of Chester on Saturday 25 September at 6pm. Enquiries have been ongoing to locate him.
He is black, 5ft 6in tall, of slim build, with black cropped hair, clean shaven and speaks with a Southern accent.
When last seen, Devondre was wearing navy blue jogging bottoms, a light grey t-shirt and grey Nike 110 trainers with a green tick.
He has links to the Southport area.
Please pass on any sightings of Devondre via: https://www.merseyside.police.uk/ro/report/mp/v2/report-sighting-of-missing-person-form/ or any other information via @MerPolCC, 101 or the charity Missing People on 116 000.