Mobile NHS Galleri Trial Unit to detect early signs of cancer is in Southport Theatre car park

The Galleri® test is a new blood test that can detect signs of many different types of cancer in a sample of a person’s blood. If the Galleri test can find these signs earlier than other tests and before people have symptoms of cancer, it may mean that cancer can be treated more successfully. 

The NHS-Galleri trial is a research trial to see how well the new Galleri test works in the NHS. The aim is to see whether the test finds cancer earlier when combined with standard cancer testing in people who don’t have any symptoms of cancer.

More about the Galleri test

Learning from the trial
After the trial, we will have a much better understanding of how well the Galleri test works when used alongside current cancer screening in the NHS. If it does work, then it could be used in the NHS in the future (like breast screening or bowel screening, but for many different types of cancer). If the Galleri test does not work well in this setting, then we will still have learned important information about what research needs to be done in the future to improve cancer screening.

Who can take part in the NHS-Galleri trial?

People aged between 50 and 77 who live in a region of England where the trial is being run are being invited to take part. People who have been diagnosed with or treated for cancer within the last 3 years, or those who are currently having tests (or waiting for tests) due to suspected cancer cannot take part in the trial.

One of the biggest trials of its kind

The research team would like 140,000 people to volunteer to give blood samples and take part in the NHS-Galleri trial. A large number of people are needed so that, at the end of the trial, we can be confident that we understand how well the Galleri test works.

What organisations are involved?

GRAIL Bio UK Ltd. is the main funder and organiser of this trial. It is a branch of GRAIL, LLC in the United States that developed the Galleri test.

NHS England is a partner and will provide follow-up and care related to the trial. The National Disease Registration Service will provide data for the trial.

The Cancer Research UK & King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit, a team of cancer researchers and trial managers at King’s College London, will coordinate this trial and analyse the results.

More about the trial team