More callouts for Southport Lifeboat Crew

We provided safety cover for the Southport Airshow on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, with our quads being utilised on a number of occasions.

As we were packing away on Sunday, our lifeboat and quads were tasked by Holyhead Coastguard to a group of people in difficulty in the water near Hightown. Thankfully, as we were proceeding to our launch site, we were stood down as the incident had reached a safe conclusion.

As we were returning to station, our quads noticed a group of people in danger of being cut off by the flooding tide close to Southport Pier. The quad team were able to bring them to safety just before the Pier Channel became uncrossable.

No sooner had we washed our lifeboat off, we were once again tasked to a missing 14 year old at Formby, who had last been seen swimming in the sea. As we were approaching our launch site, we were stood down as the casualty had been found safe and well on the beach.