MP Damien Moore meets with disabled campaigner to discuss accessibility in Southport


Member of Parliament for Southport, Damien Moore, met with disabled campaigner Debbie-Lyn Connolly Lloyd, to discuss her work to raise awareness of accessibility in Southport.

Over coffee in Bistrot Pierre, one of Southport’s many wheelchair-friendly venues, Debbie-Lyn explained to Mr. Moore the work she had done to promote disabled accessibility across Southport’s pubs, bars, and restaurants. Her mission is to raise awareness of her experience as a disabled Southport resident, and to encourage more local businesses to look at how facilities can be improved to be more accommodating for disabled customers visiting with friends and family, a mission that Mr. Moore is proud to support.

This comes after Mr. Moore successfully campaigned for Hillside Station to receive vital Government funding for the installation of a lift through the Access for All scheme, which has created an obstacle free, accessible route from the station entrance to the platform. More recently, after hearing from a constituent of their difficulties accessing Rowland’s Pharmacy in Birkdale Village, Mr. Moore intervened and petitioned the managing director to install an accessibility ramp, which has now been done.

Mr. Moore continues to push for support for disabled people in Parliament too, and recently submitted Written Parliamentary Questions to the Cabinet Office, to ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what assessment the Disability Unit has made of the current accessibility requirements for local businesses, and what steps will be taken to encourage businesses to improve facilities and disability access in their premises. Mr. Moore will continue to highlight this important issue in Parliament.

Mr. Moore urges businesses to take the accessibility of their venues into consideration, in order for Southport's residents and nine million annual visitors to enjoy all the town has to offer.

Damien Moore, Member of Parliament for Southport, said: 

“I had the pleasure of meeting with Debbie-Lyn to discuss some of the issues faced by disabled people in Southport. It was great to learn about the work she is doing to raise awareness on the importance of accessibility in our local restaurants, bars, and pubs. 

“It is very important that disabled residents and visitors to our town can easily access all key services, from improved train connectivity, to accessing vital medication and support through their local pharmacy. 

“I encourage all businesses to look at how accessibility can be promoted and improved in our local venues, so that Southport’s wonderful establishments can be enjoyed by all.”