MP presents Community Farming Hero award to local farmer Robin Cropper

Rosie presents award to local farmer

West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper last week presented local potato farmer Robin Cropper of J Cropper & Sons, with the National Farmers’ Union ‘Community Farming Hero’ award.   

Rosie had chosen to nominate Robin for this award earlier in the year after he had generously donated thousands of tonnes of potatoes to local food banks and food distribution networks throughout the Covid 19 pandemic.   

Rosie Cooper MP said:
“I was delighted to give Robin this award for his incredible generosity. Throughout the pandemic, so many people across the country were struggling and had to rely on food banks and donations to put food on their table.   

“Robin saw this struggle and chose to do what he could to help, in a big way! I am proud to have selfless people like him in my constituency.”