National Education Union Strike Action Letter to Parents


Following recent ballots by teacher unions, I am writing to inform you the National Education Union (NEU) intend to carry out industrial action over the national pay offer to teachers.

Members of the NEU intend to strike over a number of days in coming months. The union have stated their intent for 3 days of national strike, along with an additional day’s strike regionally.

For Sefton schools, this means intended strike action is due to take place on the following days:

1st February 2023

28th February 2023

15th March 2023

16th March 2023

Each school will complete their own risk assessment to determine whether they are able to open, partially open or remain closed on the above days. Each school will be impacted differently and some may provide some virtual learning over the strike period for those children not in school.

Schools will communicate directly with families if they are due to remain open, partially open or closed on each of the strike days.

We understand this action may cause difficulties for some families however we also recognise the hard work and commitment that teachers and school staff constantly show to children in Sefton and we know any decision has not been taken lightly.

Tricia Davies, Assistant Director, Education, Sefton Council