Nearly 1,300 Households No Longer Eligible for Council Tax Discount in Sefton

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As a result of its recent review of Council Tax Sole Occupier Discount, almost 1,300 households have notified Sefton Council of changes in their circumstances which mean they no longer qualify.

This represents almost £635,000 of additional collectable income for the Council, which can then be used to support vital services for local people.

Sole Occupier discount gives households where only one person over the age of 18 is living a 25% discount on the amount of Council Tax they pay. In late August, the Council contacted almost 50,000 households across the Borough that were receiving the discount, to check they were still eligible and explaining how they could report any changes.

By the 30th September cut-off date, 1,299 had cancelled their discount, equating to £634,670.16 in additional collectable Council Tax for the Council. Almost 90% of the changes were reported online via My account service and their Council Tax accounts automatically updated. The Council’s Customer Services staff have been helping those people who do not have access to online services.

Cllr Christine Howard, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, said:
“We understand that people’s circumstances change and by contacting them we have made it as simple as possible for them to update their details where applicable.

“And by making sure that we are billing households correctly, we have identifying over £635,000 that we will be able to use to support vital local services.”

During the next phase of the review, the Council will be working with NEC to carry out a further review. The company will use credit checking history to find out how many adults live in a property. If they determine that a Sole Occupier discount is being paid wrongly, it will be stopped and any additional payment due backdated.

Anyone whose circumstances have changed, meaning they are now a Sole Occupier, or who thinks they may now qualify for a Council Tax discount, should visit for more information. People who do not have online access can call the Council’s Contact Centre for advice on 0345 140 0845.

Around 7,000 households and businesses in Sefton are now using the secure My Account service to view and manage their Council Tax or Business Rates via smartphone, laptop or desktop computer. People can sign up for the at