New fountains to be installed in the Botanic Gardens lake in Southport

David Rawsthorne of Make a Change for Botanic said in the Facebook group

Just received the fantastic news that the fountains will be getting installed on the Botanic Gardens Lake imminently  , I'm super excited to see them in place as a lasting tribute to my old China Ben Smith Crallan.

This marks the start of the complete overhaul of the park in the upcoming years when heritage funding is acquired. 

Within a couple of weeks of the fountains being installed we should slowly start to see the water becoming clearer , fingers crossed they have a good and lasting affect on the water quality until such a time as we can get a complete lake dredge if so required. 

I'm so proud of how our community has come together on this and given me so much support and backing , thanks to everybody  

We really are making a change for Botanic