New Sefton Housing Strategy sets the direction for the next five years


At today’s Cabinet Meeting (November 3rd) Sefton Council’s Cabinet Members approved a revised Housing Strategy which sets out the vision, key themes and strategic housing priorities for Sefton over the next five years.

The Housing Strategy looks at ensuring that housing needs are met over the next 5 years, with the right type of housing in the right locations. The Council will continue to work closely with private sector providers and social landlords, as well as through the Council’s wholly owned company, Sandway Homes.

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities says:
“Many of the housing priorities in the 2016-2021 Housing Strategy have been successfully implemented, and with the housing market and the way in which housing services are delivered having changed considerably over the last 5 years, now is the perfect time for a refreshed Housing Strategy.

“The Housing Strategy focuses on a range of housing issues around 5 key themes and I am confident this will improve the local environment and quality of life for the benefit of all residents.

“We recognise that housing is one of the main producers of greenhouse gases, so we have made long-term resolutions to tackle our climate emergency head on by working with private property owners and registered providers of social housing to help retrofit homes across Sefton to reduce carbon emissions.

“The aim is to enable people to live independently, to tackle the barriers of accessing quality housing, and drive sustainable communities and develop neighbourhoods in a way that people enjoy being part of, and take pride living in.”

While Cllr Hardy acknowledges that there is a clear need for more housing, including both affordable properties in areas of high demand and a more balanced housing offer across the Borough, she says that the Housing Strategy also contributes to economic growth.

She adds:
“We’ll be facilitating local employment opportunities and workforce development in construction. And we’re hopeful that by developing aspirational homes will also attract and retain people to live in our clean, green and beautiful borough.