North West Birdwatching Festival at Martin Mere near Southport cancelled

martin Mere

A spokesperson for the WWT commented...

Due to the temporary centre closure, regrettably, we are left with no option but to cancel the North West Bird Watching Festival 2022 this weekend (15 and 16 October).

We will be in touch with everyone who has bought tickets to this event to issue you a refund. We apologise for the inconvenience and we share your disappointment that this event can’t go ahead as planned.

More information about Avian Influenza.

The UK government’s Animal and Plant Health Agency and UK Health Security Agency advise that the risk to public health from the virus is very low.

If you find a sick or dead bird, please do not touch it or pick it up. Please call the Defra helpline: 03459 335577.

Avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has remained widespread across the UK throughout this year and can be carried by wild birds migrating to the UK from mainland Europe during the winter