Oil spill response company on Southport beach today

An oil spill response company were at the Weld Road entrance of Southport beach this morning as high tide approached. Staff from the company were scouring the tide line for any signs of the oil that was spilt on Monday off the North Wales Coast.

ENI issued a further short statement...

February 16th 2022, 6:15 pm CET

We are aware of a number of small tar balls washing up on a section of the Blackpool coast. The clean-up teams are onsite and working closely with the local authorities and coastguard.il company ENI have issued a further update on the incident.

Original issue

Eni UK Ltd confirms that a limited hydocarbons release of less than 500 barrels occurred on Monday 14 February from its pipeline between the Conwy and Douglas Installations, approximately 33 km from the North Wales coast.

Details of the incident are still being confirmed. The Conwy to Douglas line was shut immediately and remains off.

All the relevant authorities have been promptly informed and we are working in full collaboration with them. 

There is no impact to any personnel on the installations.

An Incident Management Team has been mobilised and is working closely with the relevant authorities and response contractors to understand the situation and minimise any effect to the environment.

A further statement will be made as soon as more information becomes available.