Op Vanquish: Dangerous drivers targeted across Lancashire to make our roads safer


Yesterday (May 24) Lancashire Police were cracking down on driving offences to make the county’s roads a safer place as part of Operation Vanquish. 

Throughout Lancashire, check points were set up on roads, speed was monitored and checks made on parking outside schools.

Lancashire Police are focused on tackling the issues which are of concern to our communities.

Dangerous and poor driving – speeding, using a phone at the wheel and not wearing a seatbelt being three examples - can have terrible consequences and we are determined to stop it and support the vast majority of the public who drive within the law.

We also want to see people park their cars in a safe manner outside schools. Drop-off and pick-up time at school can cause real issues in the locality.

Double-parked cars can be a hazard to children safely crossing the roads and can prevent emergency vehicles getting access.

Supt Chris Hardy, force lead for Operation Vanquish, said: “We are dedicated as a police force to make our roads a safer place for drivers and pedestrians.

“Operation Vanquish has used various methods to tackle issues on the roads in our communities.
“Lancashire Police will listen to concerns from our communities and take the necessary action to address those issues which come to our attention.

“We are continually told by our communities over the issues speeding and other inconsiderate actions that are committed by a small minority of drivers and the impact it has.
 “The intensification through Operation Vanquish across the force, using our neighbourhood, response and operations teams, shows our continued targeting in response to the concerns you raise.”