Over 190 knives and dangerous weapons seized by Police


Our dedicated week of action towards reducing knife crime in Merseyside has ended with over 190 knives and dangerous weapons handed into police.

Supt Phil Mullally said: “Reducing knife crime in Merseyside is a priority all year round for our police force and others up and down the country.

Operation Sceptre provides all police forces with a platform to talk to young people, target specific areas, seize a range of knives and put those carrying such weapons behind bars.

Last week (14 – 18 November), through #OpSceptre we stop searched 317 people, conducted 57 weapon sweeps and arrested 93 people. 36 test purchases of knives were also conducted at various shops across Merseyside of which 33 passed and refused the sale of any knives.

During the week, officers also took part in 38 school engagement events where they spent time speaking to students, explored the pressures teenager face that could lead to carrying knife and explained how they can protect themselves against potential crimes.

“Last year our communities in Liverpool felt the devastating impact knife crime has on individuals, families and friends when 12-year-old Ava White tragically passed away after she was stabbed on School Lane by a 14-year-old boy in the city centre on Thursday 25 November. 

“Our thoughts remain with Ava’s family and friends and is one of the many reasons why we work all year round to take weapons off our streets and protect our communities. 

“This week of action is only a snapshot of what our officers do on a regular basis. I hope these figures reassures those living in Merseyside as we continue to seek out those involved in knife crime, enticing young and vulnerable people to carry weapons or involved in gangs.”

Anyone that knows someone involved in knife crime or has any information that could lead to the recovery of a dangerous weapon should contact us @MerPolCC on 101 or via Crimestoppers anonymously.