Parents pay moving musical tribute after tragic death of their son Samuel Latham



Southport's caring local music scene united on Thursday night to show respect to fellow musician Samuel Latham whose body was found under Southport Pier last month, writes Martin Hovden.

And the highlight of the event was an emotionally charged performance by 32-year-old Sam's parents, both musicians themselves.

Southport Market came to a hush as Sharon and Roger Latham delivered moving renditions of A Thousands Years and Memories, earning a standing ovation.

Sam was well-known on our local scene as a solo artist and wrote his own songs.

His good friends Dave Aston and Martin White hold fortnightly open mic nights in the refurbished market and decided to devote Thursday's event to Sam. The back of the stage featured a selection of photographs of Sam, his family and friends.

The well-attended event saw performances by musicians of all ages including 16-year-olds Gabriel Amundsen and Charlie Wallace, sisters Celeste and Lola, John Townsend, Rokkindhi, Stuart Belcher and Matthew Fearon.

Among those there to pay tribute to Sam were his bother PJ Latham and family friends, plus fellow musicians including Ged Teevan and Alan Jameson, of Sour Note, and Tom Ashcroft, Michael Stubbings and Toby Archer of West Lancs band Some Time Today.

COMING SOON: My video of the event includes an interview with Sam's mum Sharon plus organisers Dave Aston and Martin White

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