Parts of The Cambridge Arcade in Southport are a health hazard. Video

Cambridge Arcade

Parts of the Cambridge Arcade in Southport are becoming a serious health hazard. The section at the Chapel Street end next to the old BHS store is covered in pigeon droppings and a green moss-like substance.

People walking through the Arcade in either direction have to avoid pigeon droppings and hold their noses because of the stench as they pass the empty derelict shops at the Chapel Street end. The roof looks like it is about to fall down in places. Two of the shut units were Sefton Council establishments one of which is boarded up.

On a positive note there are two popular bars a sweet shop,jewellers and a florist at the Lord Street end.

There is also a cosmetic shop just past the Hungry Monk.

In November 2021 Sefton Council allocated £400,000 for Cambridge Arcade in Southport refurbishment and Councillor John Pugh commented at the time...

Dukes Ward councillor ,John Pugh, has welcomed the decision of Sefton to allocate £400,000 to the refurbishment Cambridge Arcades' canopies and glasswork but says that more money will be needed to address issues at ground floor level.

"Credit where credit is due. This is a move in the right direction and will be welcomed by all local councillors and especially those of us who represent the town centre who have been lobbying either publicly or privately for action .

We can’t let eagerness for new developments distract us from keeping valuable assets in good shape.

Victorian arcades are a key defining feature of towns like Southport. The contrast between the the privately owned Burton Arcade and the publicly owned Cambridge Walk area has been stark. 

However,improvements in the Cambridge Arcade will only throw into sharp relief the sadly dilapidated state of the Princess Diana gardens which must now be a multi-million restoration project as much of the stonework is beyond repair.That has to be on the heritage asset sick list too. Link