Partygate' may cost Southport MP Damien Moore his seat

Southport journalist Martin Hovden writes: Excellent performance by Labour leader Keir Starmer in today’s Prime Minister’s Questions when he held Boris Johnson to account over a party in Downing Street last Christmas.

I recently described Starmer (pictured) as Dead Man Walking as far as the next general election is concerned. My view has now changed. He is the best person to lead the fight against the Tories in 2023/24.

Johnson finally did the decent thing in the House of Commons today by apologising for the leaked video of his communications staff laughing and joking about the party which took place when the rest of the country was a under tight Covid restrictions. They giggled as they said they could describe it as a business meeting, complete with cheese and wine.

What the PM did NOT do was admit the party took place. And in a diversionary ploy lifted directly from TV comedy Yes, Prime Minister he announced there will be an inquiry by the cabinet secretary.

As Sir Humphrey would say: “If the government is in trouble, order an inquiry. It takes so long for it to reach a conclusion, people soon get bored and move on to the next issue...”

BBC political editor Laura Kuennsberg said the Christmas party controversy is not going to go away any time soon.

As public trust in the government plummets on a daily basis, Southport Tory MP Damien Moore will have a real fight on his hands to retain his seat.

Will a Labour politician finally represent the town in the Commons or will the Liberal Democrats be the “come back” party in Southport?