Poachers caught red handed in fields near Southport

Two poachers were caught red handed by the Lancashire Police South Rural Task Force yesterday.

In a Facebook post the Force said...

Yesterday, South Rural Taskforce attended a report of poaching. We went on to catch them red handed and in the act. Subsequently we have seized from them their pickup truck, their three dogs (which have all since been examined by a vet and are safe and sound in police approved kennelling) and their equipment.

 Both males have been summonsed to appear before court. 

The jigs up gents, if you come to Lancashire and commit ANY rural crime, we’ll take your kit, your cars, your dogs and put you before a court and before we get our regular ‘putting food on the table’ ‘feeding their family’ type comment from the very few, these gents have come across two counties to get here, using a vehicle, in their own words, purchased to commit this type of crime and carrying with them around £2000 worth of kit. 

You’d get more than a big shop for that! 

It’s illegal and its extremely distressing for our community who we will continue to work tirelessly to protect.