Police advice on driving into Southport for the Air Show

This year's Southport Air Show is this coming Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September. With a strong programme of flying, the event is likely to draw large crowds to Southport and the seafront area.
Road works and renovation work on several of the arterial routes into the town may cause significant delays, so drivers are advised to set off VERY EARLY in order to arrive, especially for the 12:00 midday display by The Red Arrows on Saturday.
Drivers approaching Southport from the Ormskirk direction are advised that, from the big roundabout at Kew, there are two more routes towards the 'Air Show Parking' on PRINCES PARK, in addition to the route signposted on MEOLS COP ROAD. These are TOWN LANE and SCARISBRICK NEW ROAD. Set sat nav devices for PRINCES PARK and by using all three of these routes, traffic will be shared across the routes to reduce congestion.
The first road closures are now in place between Southport Pier to the Esplanade Roundabout. This means traffic will be diverted along Marine Way Bridge and onto the Promenade. Expect delays at peak times.
On Saturday these closures will be extended to the roundabout at Weld Road and the roundabout at Fairway, covering the flying area.
Enjoy the Air Show.