Police in Southport had a busy weekend with several arrests

It was a busy time for Police Officers and Police Staff on duty in the Southport and Formby area over the full moon weekend. Leading up to the weekend on Thursday, a man was seen to be riding a moped in an antisocial and dangerous manner, around Southport College and London Street Southport. He failed to stop for Police and was pursued for a short time. As he attempted to flee on foot, he dropped his bike causing significant damage to it. He was arrested for dangerous driving, failing to stop, possession with intent to supply class B drugs and failing to provide a sample for a drug test.
Sgt Leach from Southport Local Policing states “Our Local Community in this area have reported an increase in moped, motorcycle, and electric motorcycle antisocial behaviour. This will not be tolerated and hopefully this sends a message to those who have been carrying out this kind of behaviour.”
Southport Local Policing Team Police Officers and PCSO's ran an operation around Duke Street Park in Formby. This followed a number of reports of fireworks being fired from the inside the park, out towards passing vehicles and members of the public, on the previous weekend. A number of items were found hidden in the park. All removed and the presence in the area, which was welcomed by local residents, led to a very low number of incidents being reported.
Among the 999 calls responded to this weekend, response officers based at Southport were involved in a stand-off on Saturday afternoon, after a man climbed onto the roof of his address on Clifton Road. After a number of hours, the man came down and was sectioned under the mental health act and taken to Southport Hospital.
Today began with a knife arch operation at Southport College, in a preventative approach to keeping students and staff safe.