Police introduce another dispersal zone in Formby near Southport

Police have introduced another Dispersal Zone in Formby today (Friday 1 October) in response to continued reports of anti-social behaviour in the area.
The order runs from today at 4pm until 3.59pm on Sunday 3 October 2021. Officers will be in the area to provide a visible presence and deal with any incidents.
The Dispersal Zone covers the area of RavenMeols Lane, Ward Ave, Kirklake Road, Woodlands Road, Harrington Road, Victoria Road, Gores Lane, Halsall Lane, Three Tuns Lane and Liverpool Road.
The order comes under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2014, which gives police officers and police community support traffic officers powers to direct people they suspect are causing or likely to cause crime, nuisance or anti-social behaviour to members of the public to leave a designated area and not return for up to 48 hours.
Under the legislation, officers have the power to seize any item used in the commission of anti-social behaviour.
If someone has previously been told to leave the area by an officer but then returns, an offence would be committed, which they may ultimately be arrested for.
Community Inspector Graham Fisher said: “Due to further reports of people gathering in the area and behaving in an anti-social manner another dispersal zone has been introduced in Formby.
“This is in response to anti-social behaviour and disorder taking place over the last 3 weekends in an area that is visited by many tourists and residents across Merseyside.
“Officers will continue to be in the Formby area to disperse any groups causing issues, and to provide reassurance to residents and visitors.
“Such action isn’t about bothering anyone visiting the area or preventing young people from meeting with friends. It’s simply about protecting this site from small groups of people committing any crimes.
“If you witness any anti-social behaviour this weekend or have any information about it, please contact police or speak to our officers.”
Always call 999 if a crime is in progress. You can pass any information on anti-social behaviour via our social media desk @MerPolCC on Twitter or 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre' on Facebook. You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their online form at: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/give-information.
You can also follow @MerpolNthSefton on Twitter and Facebook for updates and advice.