Police searching open land in Southport ,Ainsdale and Formby for knives

police search


Open land searches took place in Ainsdale this week on Tuesday and Thursday, with more planned in the Southport and Formby area this week.

Operation Sceptre is a week-long national campaign to target those carrying weapons, prevent knife related offences, raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime, and provide young people with more positive alternatives to crime.

The force’s social media channels have detailed activity across the region, which have included schools’ visits, open land searches, high visibility policing, warrants and test purchase operations.

“Tackling knife crime is a priority for Merseyside Police. This specific week of action provided us with the opportunity to shine a spotlight on this issue – to highlight the work officers and partner agencies carry out day in day out to tackle knife related crime.

“Merseyside Police know we cannot tackle this issue alone. With our continued determination and support from partner agencies and the public, I have no doubt we can positively impact our communities to ensure the safety of all those living in and visiting our region.”