Police seeing increase in ASB as the nights draw in

Contact centre

As the nights start to draw in, we are experiencing an increase in reports of things like anti-social behaviour. To help us capture and respond to every report, we'd encourage our followers to use either our website or our social media channels to let us know about non-urgent or non-emergency incidents.

It's the same calm, professional, well-trained contact resolution officers who deal with your enquiry or question sent in digitally as it would be if you call 101. But using our website and socials is more convenient for you as you don't have to wait in a queue and it allows us to deal with multiple reports at the same time.

Our contact centre is on Facebook Merseyside Police Contact Centre, Twitter and Instagram and DMs are open 24/7. Alternatively you can report crime and anti-social behaviour on our website, as well as find out if another organisation such as the council, is the best place to report something to depending on what it is.

Click here to read more: https://orlo.uk/qqse2

Always remember though that in an emergency we always want to hear from you on 999.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend wherever you are and whatever you are doing.