Police warning after Catalytic Converter thefts in West Lancs


There have been several recent catalytic converter thefts across the county including here in West Lancashire. Catalytic converters contain precious metals that attract thieves due to their high value. Catalytic converters can be very costly to repair or replace and can leave cars undriveable if they are removed. It is a good idea to have your vehicle's serial number etched on to your catalytic converter. This can help Police track stolen catalytic converters and can also act as a deterrent.

Here are some ways you can protect your vehicle and minimise the risk of being a victim of catalytic converter theft: -

Install a protective cover over the catalytic converter.

Some local garages will weld the bolts holding the catalytic converter on making them harder to remove.

Lookout for suspicious activity around vehicles, persons underneath vehicles or vehicles being raised up.

CCTV and video doorbells can provide a deterrent and can also be used as key evidence for identifying offenders.

Use a garage to park your vehicle in if possible. When using a garage is not possible, park close to fences, walls or kerbs making access underneath difficult.

Use PIR or LED security lighting to make your vehicle more visible as this can act as a deterrent.

Have your catalytic convertor etched or forensically marked. Many garages will etch them for you. A sign in your window saying that your catalytic convertor has been marked may well deter thieves.

Gravel on your driveway can deter thieves as it can be noisy when walked across and this alerts you to their presence.

If you witness any suspicious activity around vehicles, please dial 999 immediately.

Your local Neighbourhood officers have been briefed on these thefts and they will be proactively patrolling. 



PS Chris Hammill