Proposal for 27-bedroom hotel in Southport's Gordon Street submitted by Allied London

gordon way

A property development and investment company has lodged plans to convert a Southport office building into a boutique hotel.

Allied London is seeking permission to change the use of Gordon Way Business Centre on Gordon Street into a 27-bedroom hotel, with all rooms accommodating a double bed and ensuite bathroom.  

The site is located within a predominantly residential area in the town and is within close proximity to a number of shops, bars, restaurants and open spaces.

Although the property, which dates from around 1900, is itself undesignated, it stands within the Lord Street Conservation Area and immediately outside of the Promenade Conservation Area.

As the scheme is located within the centre, no new parking has been allocated, although a design and access statement noted how there are a number of nearby car parks – many of which are open 24 hours.

A statement added that the works will "sustain the contribution made by the external envelope of the building and will improve the appearance of its shabby Gordon Street elevation, while the proposed extension is respectful in terms of its scale and appearance".

It continued: "The effect of the proposal will therefore be to sustain the character and appearance of Lord Street Conservation Area, and also the setting of Promenade Conservation Area."

Sefton Council will review the plans in due course.

Source insider media