Queenscourt Star Trekk walk back in September

Queenscourt Hospice 10K sponsored night walk takes place on Friday the 17th of September 2021. The walk is a healthy, energising and fun event open to everyone, you can take part on your own, with family and friends, with your exercise class, with your work colleagues, the choice is yours.
Many trekkers walk in memory of a loved one or because Queenscourt has supported them personally, while others take part for a fun night out and to raise money for their local hospice.
The evening starts at Casablanca, Southport Pleasureland with a fun party atmosphere where you can enjoy the pre trekk entertainment, with the 10k route starting at 7pm.
However if you choose to ‘Do It Your Own Way’ this year, and choose your own 10k route either on your own or with friends that’s fine with us! You will still receive your Star Trekk t-shirt and medal! And we would encourage you to do this on the same day or over that weekend.
Since Star Trekk began 15 years ago, our amazing trekkers have raised over £830,000.00 and we always look forward to this flagship event in the Queenscourt calandar. Fundraising is at the discretion of the entrant but we kindly ask in addition to the entry fee for a minimum sponsorship to Queenscourt of £30.
Whether you are a brand new 'Trekker' or you have been trekking with us before we look forward to welcoming you for what promises to be a fun filled evening.
All Trekkers receive a t-shirt and medal.
When: Friday 17th September 2021 - 5.30pm onwards
Where: Casablanca, Southport Pleasureland
Price: Early Bird Rate - £17 (before 1st August), Regular Rate - £20 (from 1st August to 10th September), Entries after 10th September £25 - (Under 16's £12.50)
Tel: 01704 517420
Email: [email protected]