Raising Awareness: Merseyside Police Support National Hate Crime Awareness Week


This week Merseyside Police is supporting National Hate Crime Awareness Week, a week of action to encourage communities to come together to help eliminate hate crime.

Hate crime can involve people being targeted based on their disability, gender identity, race, religion and sexual orientation. Merseyside Police expand these strands further and also monitor hate crime against those who sex work, which is seen as unique but often best practice for the support provided. The force believes that every person in Merseyside has the right to go about their lives without being the target of abusive language or criminal behaviour motivated by hate or prejudice.

Detective Superintendent Cheryl Rhodes said: “Merseyside has a reputation for being a welcoming, friendly place and there is no place here for hate crime. Everybody has the right to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect and so we will not tolerate hate crime in any form.

“Our officers and team of dedicated hate crime co-ordinators work tirelessly to provide support to victims of hate crime, investigate such incidences and find those responsible, bringing them to justice.
To read more about the role of our Hate Crime Coordinators and the activity taking place across Merseyside this week, you can do so here: