Remedy Bar on Lord Street in Southport fast becoming an eyesore


The Remedy Bar on Lord Street in Southport is fast becoming an eyesore. Situated in the gardens outside the Town Hall the bar has been closed since the turn of the year. It is one of the best locations in Southport and the outdoor area is now littered with empty bottles and beer cans. 

On a glorious day like today scores of people were walking up to the doors only to find them locked. 

Its a shame that this is one of the first things people see after getting off coaches in Eastbank Square.

The outdoor shelters are now home to pigeons and no doubt rats as well.

Along with the Pier this was one of the most popular places in Southport sadly both are now closed with no sign of opening in the near future.

The Council needs to tidy this eyesore up after all it's in their front garden!
