Residents concerned over proposed new housing development in Hillside Southport

With the proposed development of network rails yard at the rear of Lynton Road in Hillside. 34 new homes could be built, residents are concerned due to the increase of traffic on to the junction at Waterloo road.

Birkdale’s Lee Durkin has spoken with residents and feelings are that the junction at waterloo road is already dangerous.

Mr Durkin said “After contacting residents it became apparent that the junction is currently the victim of speeding and a significant number of near misses, with many school children crossing each day The labour led Sefton council should be reviewing the decision of allowing these new properties to be built in this quantity. The submitted papers say there have been a small number of minor accidents and only a short distance down Waterloo Road a serious accident but unfortunately this is not a true representative of the total number as many go unreported, residents have become regular spectators of those instantize. A consultation on traffic controls at the junction of Lynton Road / waterloo Road seem the sensible path to take before another serious accident takes place along Southport’s Roads”

Mr Durkin went on to report “The proposed site has become occupied by trees/foliage and in return a habitat for local wildlife, to remove the foliage/trees will go against the councils plan on climate action, the land is classed as brownfield site so is suitable for development under the rules for planning but with the linked concerns it would be a reckless move to allow a development of this size.

Unfortunately, this will come down to the Labour led Sefton Council who we know have a history of making the wrong choice for Southport”