Round up of Merseyside Police neighbourhood policing week in Southport and the surrounding area

Good morning from the North Sefton Neighbourhood Team at Southport Police Station, as we round up day 7 of day of last week’s ‘NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING WEEK’.
Thanks to all who have followed, liked and commented on our posts last week. Please continue to share our posts in the future to make local residents aware of the type of work that the Neighbourhood Police Officers and PCSO’s who are stationed at Southport do on a daily basis.
Someone asked on another page that one of our posts was shared on, if this would be a "five day week" and “Do we get another ‘week’ of policing this year?”. We don't do five day weeks. Neighbourhood Officers are on duty at Southport Police Station 7 days a week and the station is utilised by Police Officers and PCSO's who are on duty in Southport, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
On our Sunday late shift, PCSO’s began by staffing a bike registration event at the Co-Op on Fylde Road in Marshside. We registered and tagged 20 bikes, which is a lot fewer than some of our past events, but it means we still have more tags left to organise one or two more events in the coming weeks. Watch out for these advertised on this page. We will also be arranging days for us to go into schools to register bikes in the coming weeks too.
Neighbourhood officers also engaged with a local youth rugby team, to give the young people cycling road safety advice.
Acting on intelligence reports submitted by Neighbourhood Officers, Police Officers from the Sefton Targeted Team arrested a man in the High Park area for cannabis cultivation. Four more intelligence reports were submitted from information gained while on recent patrols
The Land Rover was back on the Cheshire Lines path again yesterday, following more reports of nuisance off road motorcycle use. No trace of the motorcycles however, we got some positive feedback from other people using the path. Officers conducted foot patrol across arable farm-land after report of Poaching. Two dead birds were found, one person stopped but, no evidence of poaching.
Re-visit to Carr Side Fishery. Three people fishing and positive feedback that increased patrols have kept un-desirable’s away as they fear getting fined and losing their equipment and drugs. Further that Ince Blundell Hall has become a no-go area for trespassers and illegal fishing, drug taking and ASB due to high Police patrols and numerous prosecutions, so it is not being used any more.
PCSO’s responded to two reports of theft from cars which happened yesterday afternoon in Lethbridge Road and Crowland Street, where windows were smashed to steal handbags and purses. They conducted searches of the areas and visited or contacted the victims by phone. CCTV enquiries were made so that investigations can continue this week. Colleagues will follow up with letter-drops in the local area today to try and find any more CCTV or witnesses to these thefts.
This concludes these more detailed posts than usual, that we have posted for this national NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING WEEK. Each week is different. There are many other aspects of work that your Neighbourhood Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers do that haven’t come up this week, but that is the nature of neighbourhood policing. Going forwards on social media, you will see fewer and shorter posts, but we will continue to inform you of arrests, incidents of note and ways that you can engage with your local community based police officers and PCSO’s.
Please remember that, irrespective of what you may see elsewhere on social media, your North Sefton Neighbourhood Policing Team of Police Officers and PCSO’s, supervised by three Sergeants and Neighbourhood Inspector Graham Fisher ARE based at Southport Police Station, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. We have been here for the last 20 years and will be here for the foreseeable future. Please help us to make people aware of this by continuing to share our social media posts here on Facebook and on Twitter @MerpolNTHSefton.
If you are unaware of who the dedicated Neighbourhood Officers are for the street where you live, you can e mail us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please be aware that the e mail address is not monitored 24 hours a day and is not for reporting crime. To report crime you should only ever use the two numbers of 101 for non-emergencies or 999 in an emergency. See the attached imaged for online ways to report incidents.