Second round of Southport Battle of the Bands is a real scorcher

Second round of Southport Battle of the Bands is a real scorcher

It wasn't just the weather that was hot stuff in Southport on Friday night – inside the town centre Banff club, four excellent bands turned up the temperature as they fought for the Battle of the Bands title, writes Martin Hovden.

We're only in week two of the contest and yet the standard of breathtaking musicianship, brilliant stage performance and exceptional talent just gets better and better.

The second round was kicked off by new Southport ska band Sour Note who packed their 30-minute spot with four original songs plus a couple of covers (including the classic I Will Survive). They were a joy to watch – three guitarists, a saxophonist, a drummer...and lead singer Jason G Taylor threw in a trumpet for free.

Jason is a natural and charismatic showman who injects high energy and enthusiasm into every song, ably supported by his bandmates including members of his former outfit Side Show, namely Adam Linaker, Pat Hibbell and Ged Teevan (who by the way is also a member of Southport pop punk band Slick Cupid who are in round four of the contest in two weeks time).

And talking of pop punk, Burscough band Some Time Today delivered an exciting and inspiring interpretation of that musical genre, much to the delight of the many appreciative live music lovers present on the night. So much so, they attracted the largest front of stage audience, led by some very merry members of Sour Note. And after a two-year Covid break, it was good to see the MOSH PIT back in town.

Manchester rockers Melkeor were sandwiched in between Sour Note and Some Time Today, but they definitely held their own and gave us an entertaining set of good, old fashioned rock.

And for something completely different, on came Liverpool psychedelic indie rockers The Alts. I really enjoyed their home-grown selection of musical essays, which had a touch of Pink Floyd and the Jeff Beck album War of the Worlds. They are a stylish, class act and I like them a lot. I got to talk to them during band changes and they are a very funny, down-to-earth bunch of lads and I wish them every success for the future.

But it's a competition and two bands go through to the semi-finals: the audience vote went, quite rightly in my view, to Some Time Today, while I had the difficult job as guest judge to pick another - and I chose Sour Note because of their amazing talent, lively performance and the ability to make everyone feel happy – something we all need during the current difficult times we are going through.

Once again, many thanks to Southport trio Dave Aston, Martin White and Hayden Birch for organising such a superb and well run contest.

The third heat is this Friday, July 15, in the Banff. Doors open at 7.30pm with admission at just £3. Don't miss it.