Sefton Conservative Leader calls for Deputy Leader's resignation over property interests scandal

mike prendergast

Following the ongoing revelations concerning Councillor John Fairclough‘s property interests in Sefton, Conservative leader on Sefton Council, Mike Prendergast, is calling for Councillor Fairclough to apologise for his errors and step down from his position as Deputy Leader of Sefton Council. 

Councillor Prendergast said, “Given the continuing revelations concerning the Deputy Leader’s property interests in Sefton, I am genuinely amazed that we have not had any form of public statement from him, or any of the Labour leadership in Sefton.

Right now we have a situation where the Deputy Leader of the council has reportedly been found to be in breach of the rules concerning declarations of interest and has been told to receive additional training. 

Councillor Fairclough is an experienced councillor and, quite simply, he hasn’t followed the rules which are applicable to all councillors in Sefton. He has voted on matters concerning housing and landlords in Sefton without properly, declaring the fact that he is a landlord himself.

This is simply unacceptable. It is the hypocrisy of the whole thing that really grates with people. 

I do not think it is tenable for the current Deputy Leader to remain in post. He should apologise and step down.

I think the members of the sub-committee, that recently met, also need to explain why they have only recommended additional training and no further sanctions. 

Why did they not suggest further investigations, the public have a right to know what is going on at the heart of their council and the failure of this sub-committee to carry out further investigations needs to be explained.

I’m fairly certain that if this was a Conservative councillor subject to these kind of allegations, then the Labour leadership would be a lot more vocal.”