Sefton Conservatives are calling for all elected councillors in the borough to be subject to a mandatory DBS check


Sefton Conservatives are calling for all elected councillors in the borough to be subject to a mandatory DBS check on taking office. A motion on the subject will be debated by councillors at the next Council meeting on 15th September. 


Sefton Conservative Leader, Councillor Mike Prendergast, “All elected councillors deal with enquiries from many people who most would consider to be vulnerable. In many other walks of life it is mandatory to have these types of DBS checks, so why should Councillors, who are regularly called to help vulnerable people, be any different? 


Therefore, Sefton Conservatives are calling on Sefton Council to adopt a policy of mandatory DBS checks for elected councillors. 


This ensures that Sefton Council, as a public body, have taken steps to ensure that its elected members are fit and proper people to hold office. 


The public rightly expect us to maintain the highest standards in public life and take steps to ensure their safety. This is something we can do, at fairly minimal cost, to improve public confidence in the council and enhance public safety. 


I very much hope that this policy will be adopted by Sefton Council and implemented as soon as possible.”